DMK DNIPROMLYN LLC is one of the first and largest grain processing enterprises in Ukraine. For more than a century, we have been improving the production of products for millions of consumers. We are reliable partners of well-known retail chains in the country. DMK DNIPROMLYN - products of the highest quality for every home!
The DMK DNIPROMLYN LLC enterprise is located in the central part of the city of Dnipro.
The “Mill on the Dnieper” dates back to 1894. It was in this year that the industrialist M. Ya. Fast began the construction of a large mill.
The building of the mill with a design capacity of 300 tons per day is designed with reusable safety factors for the strength of the brickwork of the walls and production areas.
Already during construction, Fast discovered that his capital was not enough for a grandiose project. Fast sells his mill in Petrikyvka, takes additional loans from the city public bank in Yekaterinoslav city and continues to build the mill. But the biggest obstacle in the implementation of the planned project was the great competition of the owners of city mills. All of them, foreseeing their possible losses in the event of the start of the new Fast`s mill, united in an unspoken alliance of competitors and tried to harm Fast as best they could. All kinds of rumors were spread about his bankruptcy and the impracticality of crediting this construction, that the construction of the building is unreliable, accidents and destruction are possible. But Fast zealously continued construction, although he was on the verge of bankruptcy.
In 1897, the mill was installed and the commissioning period began. Already in August 1930, the first 26 wagons of grain from the new crop were taken to the elevator! All technological equipment, norias and screws were connected to aspiration networks. Working days at the mill began with the development of capacities. In the 1940s, the plant became the largest enterprise in Ukraine. The Odessa Technological Institute of the Flour Milling Industry at the combine opens a center for training and studying student interns.

Construction of a finished product shop, 1963
In 1967, the plant was awarded the "Order of Lenin" for high achievements in work.
In January 1976, the builders handed over the updated plant with a capacity of 150 tons per day of pasta grinding, at the same time a finished product warehouse was built at the flour mill No. 2 and a boiler house on the territory of the combine.
In 1994, two autonomous sections with a planned productivity of 250 tons of grain per day with a heating and air conditioning system were put into operation, which ensured stable production, improved working conditions, production aesthetics and ecology. At the same time, pumping and compressor stations, a warehouse for storing and releasing products were built. In May 1996, a 4-storey administrative and amenity complex was built, where amenity premises and a production and technological laboratory are located.
On the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the enterprise in September 1997, a museum of the plant and an honorary stele in memory of flour millers were opened.
By this time, the enterprise includes: flour milling shop No. 1, flour milling shop No. 2, elevators No. 1 and No. 2, a finished product shop with a warehouse for bulk storage of flour and packing areas, a transport section, an electrical shop, a steam power shop, a mechanical repair shop, administrative and amenity section, container section, paramilitary security, production and technological laboratory, motor transport section.
Since 2012, the company has implemented the HACCP international quality system, which is annually confirmed by international auditors and improved in accordance with the new certification requirements. During this period of time, the enterprise was reconstructed several times, modernization was carried out, technological and transport equipment was updated, and the range of products was changed. All technical innovations were aimed at producing high-quality products, the quality of which is confirmed by diplomas and awards.
Receiving these awards, first of all, was facilitated by the painstaking and daily work of the company's team, starting with the acceptance of grain and ending with the release of finished products to the consumer.
For all products manufactured by the enterprise, there are “Hygienic conclusions”, “Protocols for the study of safety indicators”. Products meet all the requirements of SSTU, ISTU and technical conditions of Ukraine.
By 2021, all packaging equipment was changed to a fully automatic one, which made it possible to increase the volume of products produced and to avoid the ingress of foreign objects into the packaged products.
The administration of the enterprise pays great attention to social issues. Employees and veterans of the enterprise receive company products every quarter, receive financial aid for recovery, sanatorium-resort vouchers are provided, employees' children are rehabilitated in camps.